So we did EVERYTHING at Disneyland and
Ryleigh was called up and involved in everything we went to. They LOVED her and treated her like a princess. Landon, after 5 days, overcame his fear of
roller coasters and spent the end of the day riding
Maulhaulens Drive over and over again. Sadly, this was the ONLY ride
Ryleigh couldn't go on because of her height. She was tall enough to ride Space Mountain and Splash Mountain but not for the kiddie coaster.
Somehow, circumstances
occurred where we paid for 3 days at Disneyland but ended up getting 6 days there. You can imagine we were in HEAVEN!!!! A trip of a lifetime for the family!!!
Anyway, there are WAY TOO MANY stories to tell about our time there ... so I won't. Just know that if it could be done, we did it. If it could be brought up on stage,
Ryleigh was. If you could see it, we saw. If you could scream it, we screamed. We did it ALL and we loved it ALL.
Thanks dad for providing us the opportunity of a lifetime!!!

Ryleigh had cut her own bangs and they were in the process of growing out.)

Ryleigh's favorite Princess is Jasmin - because of the three
rubber bands in her hair.)

(When he asked
Ryleigh where she was from, she looked at him like he must be an idiot and said, "From my mommy.")
(The idiot mommy.)

Ryleigh called up to participate at the House of the Future to play the drums.)

(They LOVED the teacups. I was getting a little sick!)

(Roving Pirate
Minstrels attacking their prey.)

(It looks like she's telling Mickey a secret, but she is actually going in for a kiss. Scott wanted to know when the last time he washed was ... )

hangin' with his peeps.)

(The cutest
Toucan's in the whole hut!)

(Adventuring at California Adventures.)

(People to call, places to be.)

(Taking a break on the tire pile after an exiting drive with Roger Rabbit.)

(Exploring the wonders of the sea in a submarine.)

(I think I can, I think I can ... what are the perks exactly for being the king???)

(Don't we look alike? Same goofy smile, same red tongue.)