Last Saturday, I was walking from the office towards Ryleigh's room when I saw Landon walk outside. He stood just on the other side of the front door and then in his loudest voice yelled, "Does anybody want to be my friend?" I nearly stumbled in my journey. I walked to the door, opened it, and said, "I want to be your friend." Then, with a most serious expression, Landon looked at me, paused, and then said, "Mom, you don't count."
We are fortunate to live close to a wonderful friend for Colbey, Brock, and also for Ryleigh, Grant. Sadly, even though there are a couple of boys Landon's age, they are not the best of friends. Someday, we will be in a place where loneliness will not be an issue. As for us big kids, we have some fantastic friends just across the street, Mike and Jennifer.
Saturday morning was our community Egg Hunt. Ryleigh and Landon had fun finding eggs but my highlight was the moment a giant Easter Bunny arrived to take pictures with the kids. He looked fantastic! We have a matching pair of pictures of Ryleigh with a look of terror on her face scrambling off of both the Easter Bunny's lap and Santa's lap from the ward Christmas party this past December. What is the next furry mall creature that we can get a terrified picture of Ryleigh escaping?!?!? The pictures are of some of the bootie from the eggs - Pirate eye patches!

Scott and I have been enjoying our time together as he has taken Spring Break off from work. We had hoped to organize the house but that is going even slower than I predicted it would. It looks as though a tornado has landed directly inside our home, but come Sunday, I've promised myself I will not be living in a war zone.
Landon has become engrossed with the idea of selling skate parks to people for ten dollars. He takes a piece of paper, draws the plans for the skate park and then places the price tag of $10 on the top. He has yet to find a buyer, but he is determined to advertise loudly to anyone that passes. He has also found enjoyment in building a skate park out of paper and rocks in the vacant neighbors front yard. When I explained what Landon was doing to Colbey, Colbey responded by saying, "I wondered why there was so much paper lying around!" Landon is very proud of his park!
We have taken up the long forgotten game of Uno. Everyone except Ryleigh is able to play together. Scott says he remembers now why he gave up playing it. What can I say, it's the one game of luck I can beat him at. It's a talent I've had since I was a child.
We have seen a bunch of movies recently and there is one that stands out. August Rush is a Thompson and Thompson two thumbs up with a toe thrown in review! We highly recommend it! The story is touching and the music is fantastic!!! We have also purchased Enchanted and truly was enchanted by it. Very cute. Becoming Jane was depressing although very well produced, and Nancy Drew was highly entertaining even if some of the details were amiss. There have been other movies watched but these are the ones that come first to mind.
Colbey left this afternoon for a two day camp out, so next weeks blog will be more exciting!